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5 Lessons I Learned from the Publishing Process by Jenny Blake

Written By onci on Friday, December 23, 2011 | 10:49 AM

  1. 5 LessonsI LearnedDuring thePublishing Process Jenny Blake @Jenny_Blake“At first dreams seem impossible,then improbable, then inevitable.”--Christopher Reeve
  2. Series overview5. Don’t wait for permission. Take your inner criticas a sign that you’re on exactly the right track. Jenny Blake (@jenny_blake) | Pierre Khawand (@pierrekhawand) #InboxFreedom
  3. Tackling a big goal PRESENTATION REQUIREMENTS
  4. 4. Big goals require some blind faith Avoid the Tyranny of the Hows. You wil not see the whole path at the outset
  5. 3. Fight for what you believe in. Trust your instincts. Jenny Blake (@jenny_blake) | Pierre Khawand (@pierrekhawand) #InboxFreedom
  6. 3. Fight for what you believe in. Trust your instincts. Before: Jenny Blake (@jenny_blake) | Pierre Khawand (@pierrekhawand) #InboxFreedom
  7. 3. Fight for what you believe in. Trust your instincts. Before: After: Jenny Blake (@jenny_blake) | Pierre Khawand (@pierrekhawand) #InboxFreedom
  8. 2. Find support in unexpected places.
  9. How would you feel if one year from nowyou haven’t made any changes to your life?
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